Escaping From Reality

Cathy Deslippe
4 min readOct 3, 2021

Torn But Trying To Go Forward

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Think Before I Speak

These wise words from a very young, but dear friend.

Also sit very quiet, listen to what is around and try not to speak.

Have you ever known a Cathy not speak, or worse have two or more together. The Chatty Cathy doll shared the amazing skills of all of the wonderful people named Cathy, or are like a Cathy.

Yet it is possible, and it does take time.

As I sit alone thinking, I realize how to many times have I found myself jump into a conversation and often wonder, why did I say that? Without even realizing I said something. I wished my mouth was duct taped. (not litteraly)

A quick response does not always work. yet I have been in situations where I have had to speak and act quickly and that is all I could do. These times can be the most difficult times of your life and often your rethinking for awhile after.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Time To Escape

Jusr writing the title, which I hope to return to many times in my life. Turns a light on.

Escaping does not mean to run away, or to isolate, yet it has qualities that help you to refocus, refuel and think.

Time alone is often my retreat, even in my lower family room. Writing is one place I can escape especially from the world around me and the negativity. Reading has at times become the key to knowledge.

I challenge myself daily to find one thing to focus on . A project is usually my way to cope. Yet turning off social media, news reports or staying away from negative people. Has become a way to help me cope and focus better.

I have often wanted to try to fix everything, but as we always know that is not going to happen. I love people, most of all making people happy, when it comes to family I often think I can fix this and do that. Later finding out it only made things worse.

Listening is key, escaping and relaxing and doing the best I can. Now that is the way I have to learn to roll.

As a very special and kind woman ( who has been through way to much in her life) said to me. Try not to get all worked up on things, breathe, relax and live a good life but most of all be happy.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Learning From The Past

Its true every picture paints a thousand words. When I picked the above picture, I could not agree more.

The difficult or challenging times or things we go through, eventually make us stronger. The roads may have curves and turns, yet taking time to read, to write to organize yourself. Is the best first direction to take.

I am no Doctor, these are life lessons I am learning as I go. In the meantime I am still learning , and I love learning from others. (Especially from you)

Experience, like the curves in the road, or the broken tracks. Can be fixed, can get better and my life lesson is that I cannot fix them all. I can only try my very best to go forward. To live the best I can. to love with all my heart and embrace those very special times. Most of all sit back and listen.

Listen, Learn and Love yourself. As I am slowly learning to do.

Its not about the things we have, who are friends are, or what we own. I am listening and gaining knowledge and that is the few tools I require . But I do know now time is so precious, life is even more. When one door closes, there is always more.

More to see, more to do but doing what make you happy, is totally the key.

Photo by Maria Ziegler on Unsplash



Cathy Deslippe

Cathy became an author at the age of 7. She has a passion of writing all genres. Loves to travel, take photography, crafts and learning new things.