Parents “Stop”

Cathy Deslippe
2 min readFeb 27, 2024


Quit Putting Pictures Of Your Children On Social Media

Photo by Trevor Brown on Unsplash

We can’t bubble-wrap our babies. We can’t stop them from having fun in life. We want this world to be a better place for them to live. Yet there is one thing you can do to protect your babies, stop posting photos of your very young children (you are their voice for the future) on social media.

If you have been following the news or issues regarding Instagram, you will be aware of how a mom posted a picture of her daughter (very young) in a bathing suit and towel, only for pedophiles to remark with really inappropriate comments. Also, there is the case of a photographer who sold pictures of children modelling to pedophiles, he is not allowed to post for at least three months.

Every human being knows their children are beautiful, cute and you want to share that moment. (Birthdays etc.) Yet there are those photos that I feel social media at this point and time, do not take down but should.

How protected are your children when you post?

We all hope they are going to be safe, we pray they are going to be safe. But you as the parent have the responsibility to stop with inappropriate photos, bathroom photos, bathing suits etc.

“Mom and Dad, guardian I am only a child for a short time. Please protect me, please be kind. I cant speak up for myself but I know you can. Please protect me, the future is when. I will do my best to take care of me. Please wont you listen to me.”

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash



Cathy Deslippe

Cathy became an author at the age of 7. She has a passion of writing all genres. Loves to travel, take photography, crafts and learning new things.