This Day Of Darkness

Cathy Deslippe
4 min readOct 4, 2021
Photo by Azamat E on Unsplash

No social media, know place to read posts from family and loved ones. The world just keeps on changing. Today was at first, very scary to open my social media to find I could not post, I could not comment. I could not share my two small business posts, I could not do anything.

Than on instagram where I love to look at homes and renovations, family and send messages, finding it too in darkness.

Its a daily routine, to post and to look in on your loved ones, or if you are a member of a group- like my poetry writing group, you feel rather alone and lost, without reading and sharing.

I did everything I could to see if my Ipad or my laptop were working. I was ready to shake it like the days of etch-a-sketch. Drawing and shaking device I grew up with. Nothing worked, my computer is in darkness.

Good Thing I Have Intelligent Family Support

I called my sibbling this morning, we conversed for awhile on messenger but hearing her voice was fantastic.

After she researched the internet, she stated that after The National had a show on last night, It appeared to her that all of Facebook and Instagram were shut down.

Now What?

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Well I could get in a taxi, mask on and go to visit people. Yet with COVID we live with so many restrictions, it isnt as easy as it use to be. We have to be careful. Careful not to hurt others, not to get sick, not to forgeet to follow rules. Now we have no control of anything, with the exception of ourselves.

I wrote this today, as I think of the many years ago. We were in the dark. For days the power was down. We only had one grocery store open, the shelves were bare and we got what we could and were glad that our cupboards were filled a week before.

We stood in line with several people, getting ice. ( a good hour)

Good thing I loved candles and had many blankets. Also board games to play.

Hydro was out, but during that time, our family time. The best time of our lives. Just sitting around a table with my husband and children, were the best memories ever. We often talk about that time and how we made the best out of all of it.

Gathering around the table, candle light dinners, cooked on a bbq. Board games with the kids, songs sang and we were there for each other in our community.

Photo by Ali Rizvi on Unsplash

Change is hard, but even harder when you post every day for two very small business you operate. How will I make a living.

So I Came To A Conclusion

I will write on Medium, a place I share and love reading other wonderful authors ,stories. Research on how others cope in times of darkness, but most of all write to cope.

I have in every book my quote: I use to write to cope, now I write to bring others hope. Today I write to cope.

My representative helped guide me in a direction that is good. Create, and that is what I am doing, for today.

I called who I could, reached out to others the best way I could.

Now I am going to start making Halloween gift cards and Christmas cards. Also organizing many of the Thanksgiving Cards I have made to mail.

When Darkness Falls Upon Us- There Is Always Light

As one of the first to work on an old IBM computer, I remember days of no social media , with the exception of the phone (party line). The newspaper, and of course the radio and occasionally the TV. (rabbit ears and all)

As the past comes forward, I can cope. I can survive, well at least for today.

So after writing this down , I wonder how are you coping? How would you cope? What would you do?

Photo by Ron Smith on Unsplash

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Cathy Deslippe

Cathy became an author at the age of 7. She has a passion of writing all genres. Loves to travel, take photography, crafts and learning new things.